Saturday, February 20, 2010

44 to 24: the top 24 revealed!

ALLRIGHT it's that time of the year again where i boost my ego by boldly predicting the frunt-runners to watch out for last yr's idol, and true to my predictions, after hearing just 10sec of Glambert's cover of "Believe", he went on to become the hottest thing on Idol last yr!
but this season there's no such impressive instants yet. but here's a few potentials to watch:

Lily Scott - the girl with silver hair and oversized earrings who covered Fitzgerald
Crystal Bowersox - the tattoo-mum with a kid's photo as lucky charm. "Natural Woman"
Tyler Grady - 70s rocker. very Morrison. very cool.
Andrew Garcia - tattoo-on-neck dude with a decent voice and a very punk-wife tt resembles a certain ANTM contestant.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wad abt didi!!! btw i actually feel that janelle resembles Scarlett Johansson but less hot :P