Sunday, June 14, 2009


In the end, I don't think I will ever come to terms with the trappings and baggages of this world, that at my deathbed I shall bring with me regrets and torture. That when it comes to coping with life, I have failed tremendously. The self-empowering sense of dignity that I preserve, and the inner peace that I seek, wavers, and I do not foresee myself coming to terms with my situations and predicaments anytime soon. I am destined to walk the road that is paved with difficulties, in order to learn. They call this 'the hard way.'

In the end, I am all alone; there will be no one to depend on except myself.

1 comment:

宅男 - 国容 said...

hmmm... it's true that we can only depend on ourselves... but don't see it as a bad thing ba...